23 Aug Nicole Bellefleur
Nicole works for the Greater Charlottetown Area Chamber of Commerce. As programs director, she manages the delivery of business support services to newcomer entrepreneurs, and networking assistance to professionally-trained job-seekers who are new to the local labour market. She also oversees the delivery of equity, diversity and inclusion training to employers throughout the province.
She is a member of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce’s Council for Women’s Advocacy. The mandate of the Council is to bring the voice and perspectives of women to national policies, inform the Canadian Chamber’s initiatives in advancing the gender equality agenda, and drive meaningful action to address the identified issues and barriers.
Nicole is the president of the Vulnerable Children Society board of directors. Founded in 2010, VCS is a registered charity in Canada that partners with non-governmental organizations in Ethiopia to support at-risk children, teens and families with specific, targeted programs.
She joined the BGC board of directors in June 2022. She’s been a fan of “The Club” since 2020, when her young daughter started attending the after-school program, and more recently, summer camps.
Nicole holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Prince Edward Island.